Depressed or Sad

“I will help you breakthrough the negative self-talk and perpetual hopeless feeling. Together we will explore the cause of the depression and begin to reframe your perceptions and ideas about yourself and your life.” - Karen Laskey

Counselling & Hypnotherapy for Depression or Sadness
Have you lost your motivation and feel apathetic? Do you beat yourself by “shoulding” on yourself?

When you are dealing with depression, you often have no drive or motivation. Things you used to enjoy seem boring and useless. You are apathetic, nothing matters and you struggle with the painful emotions caused by your thoughts telling you how horrible you are, how lazy you are, or how useless you are. You may think you’re never good enough and constantly beat yourself up. Crying can happen at the drop of a hat without any obvious triggers. Life no longer has meaning and you feel both hopeless and helpless. If this is you, I can help.

Are you feeling so sad, that you can’t envision a happy future?

When you are dealing with grief from loss it can be debilitating. Loss can be the death of a loved one, loss of your health, loss of your job or loss of your identity. Whatever the loss, your life has changed without your consent, and you can’t seem to envision a happy future.

I have found that hypnotherapy, coupled with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is an extremely effective form of treatment for depression and grief.

You can feel enthusiastic and happy.

We will use hypnotherapy to provide you with the restfulness and peacefulness that you are feeling deprived of while giving you positive suggestions for change. Once you breakthrough the negative self-talk and perpetual hopeless feeling, together we will begin the process of exploring the unconscious beliefs that are the cause of the depression and hopelessness and begin to reframe your perceptions and ideas about yourself and your life. You will feel happy and enthusiastic about your life again.

Are you ready to breakthrough and reclaim your life?

Take the first step and call 778-397-5300 or BOOK NOW for a free consultation.
“Helping You, Breakthrough”

Depression Relief

Take the First Step

Call 778-397-5300 or BOOK NOW for a free consultation.

Helping You, Breakthrough